Lawyer's Center by Henry

What Happens When A Car Accident Occurs On Private Property?

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If you are involved in a car accident and have suffered injuries, whether or not the accident occurred on private property can have an impact on your case. You will want to get in contact with an accident attorney who has handled cases involving accidents on private property. Liability with Accidents Involving Private Property When an accident occurs on private property, both the property owner and the negligent driver may share some of the blame. Read More»

What Will Your Truck Accident Lawyer Do For You?

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If you have been injured in a truck accident, you are probably looking for any way possible you can receive compensation for your losses. After all, you are facing medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and more. Trucks involved in accidents can leave behind a wake of devastation. Even though you might think you have a solid case, you might wonder if you should hire a truck accident lawyer. Truck accident attorneys can actually do a lot for your case. Read More»

What Are The Different Levels Of Speeding Offenses?

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You may think that all speeding tickets are the same, but there are actually different degrees of speeding offenses. The different degrees of offense merit different tickets, and there are different ways for how you can go about fighting your ticket. Warning Only Many states have laws where, if you are only a few miles per hour over the speed limit, you can only receive a written warning. A written warning is like a speeding ticket, except it doesn’t have any fine or points. Read More»

How Social Media Posts Cause Trouble In A Personal Injury Case

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Many people know that posting on social media during a personal injury case can damage that case. But what type of posts can be a problem and how? Here are a few examples so you can decide how to handle your own social media presence.  Your Own Posts Anything you write or post on your own social media accounts can be used against you in court. This includes accounts you may have set to ‘private’, as the opposing lawyers may be able to access these accounts such as pretending to be acquaintances or friends of an account you follow. Read More»

How To Get Your Deposit Back If Your Landlord Refuses

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When you are moving from one apartment to another, you may want your security deposit back so you may apply it to your next apartment. However, your landlord might wish to keep the security deposit and assert that you have forfeited the right to the deposit. Whether or not you get your deposit back will depend on the evidence you will be able to bring forward and whether you are working with a landlord-tenant lawyer. Read More»