Lawyer's Center by Henry

Answering A Couple Of Common Divorce Questions

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The process of going through a divorce can be a scary and painful experience to endure. Unfortunately, this process can also seem overwhelming due to the various steps involved, and this may be particularly true for those that have a very limited understanding about what should be expected from divorce proceedings. After you have learned the following common divorce questions and answers, you will be better able to anticipate what this process will entail. Read More»

3 Vehicle Modifications That Could Land You A Spot In Jail

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Some people purchase cars and leave them just the way that they came. Other individuals, on the other hand, like to spruce them up a bit. However, there are some modifications that people make to their cars that are highly illegal. For the current generation, here are three car modifications that could land you in jail and in need of a criminal law attorney: 1. Radar Jammers It isn’t uncommon for people to have radar detectors in their cars to inform them when police area in the area using their radars. Read More»

Four Things You Should Know About A Marijuana DUI

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Everyone knows that they shouldn’t drink and drive, but fewer people are aware that there could be issues involved with smoking or ingesting marijuana while driving. Here are a few of the most important things that you should know about a marijuana DUI. First of all…  Yes, You Can Get a DUI for Marijuana In fact, you can get a DUI for nearly any substance that can potentially slow your reflexes or alter your perception. Read More»

Damages In Wrongful Termination Suits: A Primer

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If you believe that you were wrongfully terminated from a place of employment, you can sometimes bring your employer to court in order to claim damages. Throughout the course of this brief primer, you will learn just a bit how these damages are determined and qualified. Lost Pay Lost pay corresponds to the amount that your former employer owes you due to a number of different reasons. This mainly includes the amount of pay you would have received up until the point of trial, unpaid wages from time that you did work, and overtime. Read More»

4 Ways to Get Around a Bad Credit Score When Looking for a Place to Rent

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If your credit is not that great right now, but you need to find a place to live, there are some ways around a bad credit score.  Look for a Private Rental Try to stay away from apartment complexes or single-home rentals that are managed by really large rental agencies. Large rental agencies tend to have the resources to run credit checks on all applicants and often disregard an applicant if they have a low credit score. Read More»