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Which Qualities Make For A Good Mediator?

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Do you need to find a mediator to handle a legal mediation? If so, you're likely wondering what separates a good one from the rest. Here are some things that you should look for before you make a decision.


You want a mediator that has plenty of experience. It's important that this is not just years of experience but that it's specific experience mediating your types of cases. For example, if you have a corporate law dispute, you may not want to use a mediator that specializes in family law cases. This will help ensure that you are getting legal guidance as well as mediation assistance. 

Settlement Focus

Any mediator that you pick should have a focus on wanting to settle your case. You are not hiring a therapist or somebody to work through your feelings. This is more of a problem when people are seeking out a divorce mediator when there are a lot more emotions involved in the process. It's important that they have a focus on reaching an agreement with your legal dispute so that you can stay out of the courtroom, which is when things really get out of your control. 

In addition, your mediator should be able to provide you with options for how to reach a settlement. It's very possible that you'll get stuck in mediation and not know how to move forward. Since the goal is to avoid the courtroom, it may take a solution that neither party has thought of to reach that agreement that keeps you away from litigation 

Document Creation

You are also going to want a mediator that will actually help write the settlement agreement that you decide on. Be aware that some mediators will simply handle the negotiations of mediation and then leave the documentation preparation to your lawyer to take care of. Having the actual mediator write the settlement agreement will help ensure that the entire process goes smoothly since you know that they are going to be a neutral part in the agreement and help ensure that the document is accurate. 

Think you have a better idea about what to look for in a mediator? Schedule a consultation with one in your area to learn more information about their services. You should now know what to look for, and you can get a good idea if the mediator will be a good fit to help keep your legal battle out of the courtroom. 

Contact a mediator like Chao ADR, PC to learn more.
