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How To Cope With a Potential Loss of Child Custody

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It might not surprise you to learn that many people remain married long after they should have divorced because of children. Things can get even worse for some, though, who are so afraid of losing custody of their child that they remain hostage to their mates. Just the thought of having to fight for child custody is an alarming and terrifying prospect for some. To learn more about taking action when child custody is threatened, read on.

More Than Just Threats

No one wants to imagine that their spouse would follow through on threats to child custody. However, you must never assume that they won't. As soon as possible, speak to a divorce lawyer and don't leave the office without letting the lawyer know about the custody threats. It's better to be safe than sorry and your lawyer could have some advice to follow until your divorce is decided. Custody threats are often a sign of an uncooperative spouse and your lawyer needs to know about that as soon as possible. As you meet with your attorney, follow their advice and take the following assertive actions to protect your right to child custody during the separation period, with the divorce, and after the final petition is handed down.

Protecting Your Rights To Child Custody

  1. Begin keeping a log and notes about threats to child custody. Note every time you are threatened by your spouse in any way and the circumstances surrounding the threats.
  2. Pay close attention to the reasons why your spouse is threatening you. For example, note issues with substance abuse, child abuse, etc. These are issues that might come up again and again so take the time to note them as soon as you can safely do so. Your lawyer needs to know what to expect as the divorce case comes to court.
  3. Consider your own actions at all times. Don't give your spouse more ammunition by acting inappropriately around your children. Now is not the time to be less than the fabulous parent you really are.
  4. Your spouse may not be fit to be a custodial parent for many reasons. Keep in mind that the judge is more likely to favor the parent that encourages time spent with both parents unless there are mitigating factors. If your spouse is exhibiting behaviors inconsistent with good parenting, write it down, video it, photograph it and let your lawyer know about it.

One of the most protective and assertive moves you can make is to get a lawyer on your side right away.

For more information, contact Thompson Salinas Londergan, LLP in Austin , TX.
