If you are in serious debt, you have the opportunity to file for bankruptcy. Although filing for bankruptcy may affect your credit, reputation, and self-image, it can also improve your quality of life by allowing you to rebuild your credit. However, you will have to decide whether to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This post highlights the key benefits of filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Only Pay What You Can Afford Read More»
Employees are the backbone of every industry. While some companies respect their employees enough to offer fair compensation, many others try to take advantage of them by paying low wages or simply dismissing them after they’ve had a bad day at work. This is where employment laws come into play. These laws aim to protect both parties, by offering them rights as well as obligations toward each other. Read on to know how employment laws safeguard employee rights. Read More»
Do you need to find a mediator to handle a legal mediation? If so, you’re likely wondering what separates a good one from the rest. Here are some things that you should look for before you make a decision.
You want a mediator that has plenty of experience. It’s important that this is not just years of experience but that it’s specific experience mediating your types of cases. For example, if you have a corporate law dispute, you may not want to use a mediator that specializes in family law cases. Read More»
Getting involved in an accident can be a frustrating experience. Most individuals would like to believe that they will never be involved in a car accident especially if they are careful drivers. The issue is that there are negligent and inexperienced drivers who drive every day. There are also drivers who have cars that need repairs. These faulty vehicles can lead to serious collisions that could cause death or injuries to victims. Read More»
It might not surprise you to learn that many people remain married long after they should have divorced because of children. Things can get even worse for some, though, who are so afraid of losing custody of their child that they remain hostage to their mates. Just the thought of having to fight for child custody is an alarming and terrifying prospect for some. To learn more about taking action when child custody is threatened, read on. Read More»
When most people think about an injury, it’s only natural that sudden and unexpected injuries come to mind. That is far from the only way to be injured, though. In many cases, harm comes about in a gradual manner. Just because your injury took time to develop is no reason to keep you from benefiting from personal injury damages. The rules about these types of injuries are a bit different in the way they abide by the statute of limitations. Read More»
If you’re splitting up with your spouse, having an uncontested divorce is something you want to shoot for. This means that you and your former partner agree on things like asset and property distribution. Even still, you should hire an attorney so that the uncontested divorce is handled properly until the end.
Ensure Relevant Tasks Are Accomplished
Sometimes when a couple agrees on most of everything a divorce involves, they get too complacent. Read More»
Every day, millions of people accept rides via one of the many rideshare drivers. Companies like Uber and Lyft have literally how many people get around on a daily basis. However, automobile accidents are still possible. In the event you are a customer in a rideshare vehicle and involved in an accident, you should speak to an auto accident attorney right away for advice. Here is a look at a few of the things you may want to know, especially if you think you have a case. Read More»
In situations involving personal injury between two parties, negligence could be a factor that caused damage. If it is, then a couple of legal scenarios might come up that should be handled by a negligence attorney. Here are some, in particular, to keep in mind.
Receiving Blowback From Guilty Party
Even if you did nothing wrong to cause the accident and all liability is with the guilty party, sometimes they don’t see it your way and instead threaten you with a personal injury claim. Read More»
The joy of finding a house to buy that can be cherished for many years is something that some people never have the opportunity to experience. Even becoming a homeowner can be an unpleasant experience that is seen as a mistake when the wrong property is invested in. For example, if someone happens to buy what looks like the ideal home from a seller without using much caution, it can prove to have hidden problems. Read More»